Flip 42

Flip Flip Flip

Details on Flip 42

3D-Emblem (Doming)pad printing
Version 55-58 HRC
Colour(s) black
Weight 9g
Finishing options pad printing
Advertising space 35mm x 8mm

Flip is a "fast cutter" for parcels, films, letters etc.
Inside compact ABS housing with large advertising space is a sharp SK2 blade with automatic blade retraction.
If necessary, the extended blade (max. 10mm) can also be locked in place.
Flip can be attached to keyrings and lanyards using the eyelet.

ID: 00004200

Request offer

Karl Kuntze (GmbH & Co.)
Industriegebiet Ost
Poensgenstr. 17
D-40764 Langenfeld

Telefon: +49 (0) 2173 - 99 88 69-0
Telefax: +49 (0) 2173 - 99 88 69-9
E-Mail: meterex@meterex.com
Internet: www.meterex.com