Bodystar 103 • 104

Bodystar Bodystar

Détails sur Bodystar 103

Impression possible sur lames neutres d’extrémitéTampographie
Longueur 1,5m
Largeur de ruban 15mm
Matériau du ruban Softband
Couleur(s) weiß
Graduation cm
Poids 48g
Surface publicitaire 40 x 20mm
40 x 30mm
Dimensions 65mm x 70mm x 27mm

Measuring tape for body measurements of waist, arms, calves etc. in form of a triangular. Double sided measuring tape with two cm-scales can also be used for normal measurements. From 1.000pcs. special colours available.

ID: 00010300
ID: 00010301
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Détails sur Bodystar 104

Longueur 2m
Largeur de ruban 15mm
Matériau du ruban Softband
Couleur(s) weiß
Graduation cm
Poids 57g
Surface publicitaire 40 x 20mm
40 x 30mm
Dimensions 65mm x 70mm x 27mm

Measuring tape for body measurements of waist, arms, calves etc. in form of a triangular. Double sided measuring tape with two cm-scales can also be used for normal measurements. From 1.000pcs. special colours available.

ID: 00010400
ID: 00010401
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Karl Kuntze (GmbH & Co.)
Industriegebiet Ost
Poensgenstr. 17
D-40764 Langenfeld

Telefon: +49 (0) 2173 - 99 88 69-0
Telefax: +49 (0) 2173 - 99 88 69-9